トップページ > English_Blog > How to be happy in 21 days with an effort of 2 minutes a day. (Part 1)

English Blog

  • 2015年04月09日 - How to be happy in 21 days with an effort of 2 minutes a day. (Part 1)
  • We are all trying our best for ”happiness” getting success by studying and working hard.

    The law that everyone has believed was actually the reverse!

    A psychologist, Shawn Achor revealed in Ted Talks ”a surprising relationship between happiness and success” that we never knew.

    It is impossible for success to create ”happiness”, but rather ”happiness” improves productivity and ability and leads to success.


    そんな誰もが信じてきたその法則が、実は逆だった・・・!?心理学者のショーン・エイカーは私たちが知らなかった「幸福と成功の意外な関係」をTed Talksで語った。


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